Browntown Communications | Seminars & Events
Browntown Communications an expert provider of marketing, videography, websites, photography, content, SEO, and SEM for small, medium, and large businesses.
marketing, digital marketing, website development, seo, sem, video production, photography
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Seminars & Events



Date: Thursday October 27, 2016
Time: 12:00 p.m.

We’ll discuss the latest digital marketing strategies, websites, content, SEO, SEM, video, social, and more – with real-world client success stories across the business spectrum. Includes a catered lunch and dessert. Reservations required. Call 708-388-1000 for details. When: Thursday, October 27, 12:00 p.m.


Cost: Free!


Where: Rock Island Public House, 13328 Olde Western Ave.

Sign up!
